Sunday, January 17, 2021

January 17, 2021: 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

God has come to redeem us through Christ, as we celebrated in the Christmas Season.  Moving beyond it, we now ponder through the readings what it means to offer ourselves in service to Him Who has come among us and calls us.

In the spirit of what St. Paul writes, we are to offer our bodies in holy ways because God has purchased us at a price for our redemption, and the Holy Spirit dwells in us, so that we are a Temple of His Presence in the world.

When God calls, it is time for us to listen as He directs us how to act.

Notably, Eli and St. John the Baptist recognize the presence of God and acclaim it, pointing it out to Samuel and the disciples, respectively, and that leads to action.

Encountering God truly transforms us to live with a specific purpose granted us by God.

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