Sunday, January 3, 2021

January 3, 2021: Epiphany Sunday

To a people in the dreariness of the post-exilic period, Isaiah prophesies a great Light that will enlighten Jerusalem, a light that will shine forth as all nations stream toward the city, as a place to encounter God..

To a world weary with sin, a great Light shines, so that even the Magi from other nations see it, and stream toward it.

It is like God told to Abraham, that His descendants would a blessing to the whole world.

It is a great light that shines powerfully, even in the midst of the fear King Herod feels and stokes in the people around him.

This fear gives way to great joy when the Magi encounter the Christ Child, and then worship Him and offer Him gifts.

So we are called to worship God's greatest gift to us, given to bring all people of the Earth together in God, so we may magnify Him.

God, in His Love, has shone a great Light in the Earth, so that everyone may participate in the One Body of Christ, embracing each other just as we embrace our God Who came to us in the Incarnation.

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