Sunday, January 10, 2021

January 10, 2021: Feast of the Baptism of the Lord

We started the Christmas Season celebrating how God came to be among us through the Incarnation of Christ, so we could enter into a relationship with Him.

It's fitting to conclude the Christmas Season with the Feast of the Lord's Baptism.  Jesus was baptized not because He needed to repent and be cleansed of sin, but so that He could do that which was pleasing to the Father, and so be named His beloved Son.

So it is the same for us.  Through water, God works wonders in us--His Word accomplishing His work victoriously--transforming us to be conformed to His image, as He names each of us His beloved, and gives us the ability to live our transformation by following His commands.  And we do this in a community, the Body of Christ, joined so closely to our Father in Heaven, sharing in the mission of Christ to make God's presence known on Earth.

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