Sunday, April 10, 2022

April 10, 2022: Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion

We see the great extremities of our human experience in the readings.

The crowds get excited as they acclaim Jesus upon His triumphal entry into Jerusalem, presenting Himself as Savior.  Then the crowds turn against Him later in the week, calling for His crucifixion.  Even the apostles stumble and abandon Jesus.

Yet Jesus still resolutely follows the path ordained for Him by the Father.  He enters into the mess of our world, offering Himself, knowing that God will work through the mess to demonstrate His power of redemption.  By obediently submitting Himself to the worst of humanity, He presents Himself as our Savior, Who redeems us so that we can be our best for God.

And so, as the early Christian hymn in St. Paul's epistle to the Philippians declares, Jesus will be exalted, as we open our hearts to transformation by faith and praise Him, Who suffered for us, and is our Savior, revealing to us, upon the Cross, the love of God.

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