Sunday, April 17, 2022

April 17, 2022: Easter/Pascha/Resurrection Sunday

Jesus Christ, God's Anointed One, rose triumphantly from death as we celebrate so gladly this day.

The Resurrection is not just about what happened to Jesus, but what happens to His disciples, and us.

He appeared to certain people He chose to be witnesses to testify that He is alive.

Indeed, as His Chosen People Who confess faith in our Risen Lord, our lives are different when we encounter the Risen Christ.

Our sights are set above, and we live in newness of Life.  We live to testify that Christ is Risen by our attitudes and actions because the Resurrection is real, and we feel it joyfully and deeply within us.  We are bound for glory, and open ourselves to experiencing it now, showing the world not just an Empty Tomb as evidence, but our transformed lives.

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