Sunday, April 24, 2022

April 24, 2022: Second Sunday of Easter/Divine Mercy Sunday

There is great power that comes forth from the Empty Tomb and the Risen Christ.

He breaks through our human weaknesses and wounds with His peaceful presence, and in this, like the disciples, we rejoice greatly.  He enters the room where the apostle are through a locked door and speaks peace to them.  Later, in Acts, we see the apostles working great wonders, even curing people.

The Risen Christ calls us to go beyond the signs of His Resurrection to truly believe in Him.

Truly, He heals us, and continues to do great wonders in our world, as the Church continues to make Him known.

Indeed, He was once dead, and now He is alive forever and ever, ruling and reigning over all, so that our hearts may be transformed by believing in Him, and living the Abundant Life He brings.

Today, I give thanks for the ministry of two priests who were ordained at the end of April in different years: Father Augustus Tolton, the first African-American ordained in the USA, and Father Edwin Pacocha, who baptized me.  I also think about how Benedict XVI was installed as Pope on this day in 2005.  These three answered the call to serve, and the life of the Risen Jesus Christ flowed through them powerfully to bless the world by leading others to transformative encounters with the Living Christ.

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