Sunday, August 21, 2022

August 21, 2022: 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time

It's notable that once again, the 21st Sunday is on August 21, as God manifests another important message about the life of faith, with a challenging Gospel message: Jesus indicates there is a narrow gate that opens to salvation, and some won't be strong enough to enter, and will be cast away when they knock at the door.

It's in the spirit of the 2nd reading, when the author reminds us that discipline is unpleasant at the time, yet eventually bears good fruit, so it's worth it to step up and strive through the difficulty of it.

God recognizes we all have the potential to make it through the narrow passageway, because He extends this invitation to all people.

The first reading, and even the Gospel, speak of people from all over the world striving toward God's holy dwelling as His Chosen People.

So we have great encouragement, each one of us, to strive toward God.  Rather than fixate on the worthiness of others and who will be saved, we are called to ensure we're doing our part to make much of this gift of salvation, being transformed now to be more like Christ as we live out the faith we have through the Paschal Mystery.

I once again recall the first Mass I attended at St. Teresa's as I began my time at ValpU was on the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time.  It was an important moment in my journey that still calls me to make something of the gift of salvation I have.

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