Sunday, August 7, 2022

August 7, 2022: 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time

We have been entrusted with the great gift of faith because God has saved us.  Because of it, we can be sure of what God says, and that He will fulfill His promises in His timing.  We live beyond what we perceive by senses to acknowledge that our God is real, recognizing what He has done for us.

So we are called to act and live by faith, ready to welcome God's presence entering into our lives, all the while growing in relationship with Him Who has granted us a share in His Kingdom.  We wait upon Him, as did our ancestors in faith, like Abraham, and the Hebrews in Egypt as they awaited deliverance.  It wasn't blind faith, because they went beyond what they could perceive physically and acknowledged God as real.  As we wait, we live in a state of readiness, demonstrating how real our faith is by living out our faith in a way of service to others, for this is pleasing to Him.

Indeed, God has done so much for us, and so we are called to act by stewarding faithfully all that we have been given so we can keep living by faith with great purpose.

In that spirit, I recall officially becoming a Knight of Columbus 4 years ago today.  It has been an honor to be part of a fraternal organization that acts in the spirit of our founder, Blessed Father Michael McGivney, who sought to steward the faith and empower others to do the same, especially in service to the needs of the world.

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