Sunday, August 28, 2022

August 28, 2022: 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Jesus Christ is the ultimate example of humility, offering Himself on the cross.

He instructs all His disciples to do the same.  He uses the setting of a meal to indicate that it's best to humble oneself and then have others exalt us.

It's also telling that he instructs the host to invite those who can't repay him, for he will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.  Following the way of CHrist, we are called to pour ourselves out by meeting the needs of the poor.

Faith is a gift that calls us to act in ways of service to others, pointing us to the reality of Heaven that awaits us through Jesus Christ, Who offered Himself so that we could draw close to God, unlike the theophany at Sinai. He has mediated a new covenant that cleanses us completely and equips us for the work of advancing His Kingdom through humble service to others.

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