Sunday, December 18, 2022

December 18, 2022: Fourth Sunday of Advent

The great promise of God with us is that He comes to us in flesh, born of a woman.

No matter what fears we face, we have confidence in facing them because God came to be human, one of us.

Ahaz was uncertain in a time of turmoil for Israel as foreign powers sought to subdue the land of Israel.

St. Joseph wasn't sure what to do when Mary became pregnant before their marriage.

In both cases, God gave a sign of a Child Whose birth would reassure them of God's presence among us.

The world has truly been blessed because this Child was born to bring salvation to all.

In this promise is the basis of our hope, which leads to Eternal Life.

So just as Joseph welcomed Mary, the Mother of God, into his home as his wife, so we welcome God into our hearts, answering the call to holiness through the One Who pours His grace into our hearts through the Incarnation and Paschal Mystery of Christ, Who is God in the flesh, come so close to us.

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