Sunday, December 4, 2022

December 4, 2022: Second Sunday of Advent

In the midst of dark and hopeless circumstances, a flicker of hope emerges.

The first reading from the prophet Isaiah describes how a "shoot shall sprout from the stump of Jesse", and how there shall be a blossoming.  And then all the world will be restored to harmony, as described in images of various animals in concord with one another, even those diametrically opposed to one another, like a wolf and a lamb, like it was in Eden.

Indeed, God is drawing from the good old days and bringing forth something even better, because He Himself is coming to dwell among us through the Messiah, restoring the world in great glory.

And so St. John the Baptist comes to call the people to repent, so they are ready to welcome God's very Presence among them and have hearts shaped for all that transformation will mean, God's presence in us.

St. Paul calls on the people to live in harmony that reflects Christ's presence, Who came to fulfill the promises of the Patriarchs, but even more so, has brought salvation to the whole world, so that we all could be reconciled to God.

This day, I give thanks to God for the 12th ordination anniversary of Father Ted, who answered the call to the vocation of priesthood, to lead people in encounters with God Who has come among us in Christ and continues to be powerfully present in the sacraments that he administers as a member of the Holy Orders of the priesthood.

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