Sunday, December 25, 2022

December 25, 2022: Christmas Day/Feast of the Lord's Nativity

It was a marvelous day when Christ was born as the Word of God Made Flesh.

The world has truly never been the same.

The prophets spoke the Word of God, as the opening verses of the Epistle to the Hebrews states, and now that Word has become flesh in our world.

Into our darkness, a great Light has come and shines so brightly, because the Light of the World heals the darkness in us.  It is such a powerful Light, that, like the prologue of the Gospel according to St. John states, the darkness can't overcome it.  So even though we have reasons to be afraid and troubled, we need no longer fear, as the angel says, because Christ was born as the Anointed One, to be our Savior.

We now live in hope, because our God has come to dwell with us so closely, as one of us, a human person.  All the ends of the earth, and all Creation, truly marvel at this new reality that God is with us, a reality that reaches deep down, where nothing can touch it, a Truth firm in faith.

It is truly Good News, the greatest of all, and we are called to join with the angels and the shepherds in proclaiming it, bearing God's presence into the world.

Truly, we can declare, "Glory to God in the Highest, and on Earth, peace, good will, on those whom God favors."

Jesus Christ is the Father's greatest Gift to us, and He calls us to be a gift.

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