Sunday, April 2, 2023

April 2, 2023: Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord

The crowds hail Jesus with "Hosanna" as the One Who saves.

And even when the crowds turned against Him days later, Jesus resolutely faced all the mistreatment and did what He came for, to be our Savior.

He didn't come in immense glory, but in humility, in His birth at Bethlehem, and then as He rode a donkey to enter Jerusalem.  And then He was handed over to the ruling authorities and perished in a most gruesome and painful way upon the Cross.

Yet, through it all, He showed Himself to be the greatest King of all, Who gave Himself for His people.  And so God exalted Him, and the Cross became a symbol of God's power to triumph over sin.

So we this day, at the start of Holy Week, continue to acclaim Christ as the One Who saves, and that He is worthy of everlasting acclaim as Lord.  We furthermore declare Him Lord as we take up our crosses and follow His way, joining ourselves to Him in death, with the hope of joining Him in Resurrection and New Life.

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