Sunday, April 23, 2023

April 23, 2023: 3rd Sunday of Easter

The Risen Christ continues appearing to His disciples, and us, in powerful ways.

He came along despondent disciples, who had lost hope in the One Whom they thought was the Redeemer of Israel.  He opened their minds to the Scriptures, and then they profoundly recognized Him when He broke the bread.

It's just like how we encounter Christ powerfully each time we gather at Mass:  We encounter the fullness of the Paschal Mystery and it happens together in community.

And we rejoice in hope that our God will not abandon us to death, and will raise us, just as He did Jesus, the Lamb of the sacrifice Whose precious blood redeems us.

God continues to bring us alive through the Holy Spirit, His Living Presence Who remains with us.

I'm reminded of that in a special way as today is the traditional Feast of St. George, the name I selected for my Confirmation.

The Holy Spirit is the powerful Presence of the Risen and Living Christ, Who abides with us so that our encounters with Him in Word and Sacrament truly bring us alive.  And we are sent forth on the mission to share the Best News of all, that He is alive.

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