Friday, June 16, 2023

June 16, 2023: Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

God loved us into creation, and sought us when we went astray into sin.  He chose a special people for Himself.  In the fullness of time, He revealed the complete depth of His love for us in Christ, Who died on the cross for us to free us from sin and bring us into Eternal Life.

We can count on God because of the Love He showed us in Christ, Who is meek and humble of heart.  He gives us rest for our souls in a world plagued by trouble because He has already met our greatest need, our salvation.  He brought us salvation through the Paschal Mystery, which we focused on for the past three months.  Now we're almost at the end of the feasts whose dates are determined by the date of Easter Sunday.  The mystery of salvation is capped off by a celebration of God's immense love for us.

One year ago on this Feast, the Dobbs vs. Jackson decision was issued.  God truly poured out His love our land by restoring us back to the right way of upholding the dignity of life through this critically important development.

Indeed, the love God pours out for us is so abundant, flowing over and around us, sustaining us to live with purpose as Who He has called us to be, His beloved, sharing that Love with others.

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