Sunday, June 18, 2023

June 18, 2023: 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time

It may be Ordinary Time, yet we hear extraordinary stories about God's choosing of people as His own, for His purposes.

God chose the Hebrews as His special people, to be a people of priests to make His presence known to all the world.

Jesus, seeing the great needs of the people, took action to respond.  And He chose 12 disciples and gave them authority to participate in His work, even during His ministry, as much as He did following His Ascension.

Just after the great Heart feasts, we rejoice that God had such great love for us that Christ died for us sinners who were unworthy. He reconciled us by His death and new life so that we may live with new and abundant purpose.

And the authority He gave to the Apostles has been handed down so that we fulfill the mission of Christ grounded in the sure Apostolic faith.

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