Sunday, January 28, 2024

January 28, 2024: 4th Sunday in Post-Epiphany Ordinary Time

Through Kairos encounters, God has declared His Word to His people to bring them life.

In the time of the Old Covenant, God said He would raise up a prophet to bring this life-giving Word, since the people feared hearing from God directly.

Now, God's authority is fully on display in Jesus, the Word Made Flesh.  At His very presence, the unclean spirit in the man in the synagogue trembles, recognizing who He is, and at His word, the unclean spirit flees.

Not only does Jesus teach the Word of God to His people, but He speaks the Word in a way that powerfully transforms us. We are healed from that which holds us back from God, so we can abide with Him Who, through the Incarnation, abides with us always.

And so He continues to manifest Himself in our day to bring the Word alive.  5 years ago on the final Sunday of January, thousands of people gathered for the Concluding Mass of World Youth Day 2019, celebrated by Pope Francis.  We heard the Word, and then were sent forth to live our encounter with the Word in our massive assembly, and in living the Word, bring Life to the world.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

January 25, 2024: Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul

God came to Saul in a powerful way, radically changing him.

St. Paul truly encountered the reality of the Resurrection.

And he repented, devoting his life to proclaiming the Death and Resurrection of Christ.

In unique ways, God chooses each of us to live out that same mission.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

January 21, 2024: 3rd Sunday in Post-Epiphany Ordinary Time

In the recent Christmas Season, we celebrated that God became present to us fully in Christ, the Word Made Flesh.

This Sunday, Word of God Sunday, we see how that Word affects the world.

Before Christ, Jonah was sent to proclaim a message of repentance to the Ninevites, and unlike most situations with prophets in Israel, the people of Nineveh readily responded, and God turned from the punishment He threatened.

Jesus came proclaiming the Gospel message, calling people to repent because the Kingdom of God is at hand, a message meant for all people.

Furthermore, He called fisherman, Sts. Peter, James, and John to follow Him and find a new way of life.

With the Kingdom of God at hand, we, too, have a new life now in the Word, which calls us to turn our focus toward building the Kingdom of God.

5 years ago, those of us gathered at World Youth Day had a profound encounter with the Word of God manifested among the thousands present, and we were sent forth from the Closing Mass to let the Holy Spirit send us forth to live out the Word.

On this Sanctity of Life Sunday, we're reminded of the great gift of life, and our call to build the Kingdom of God by fostering a culture of life, especially for the vulnerable unborn, so that God's image can fully be revealed in this world.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

January 14, 2024: 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Throuhgout the Christmas Season, we celebrated that God came to be among us in tangible ways.

Today's readings display how God is making Himself known to us.

At a time when revelations of God weren't common, He speaks to Samuel, who remained in the temple to serve before God, and upon hearing God's voice, he first thinks Eli the priest is calling.

Eventually, Eli directs Samuel to respond to God as a servant ready and willing to listen.

When John the Baptist acclaims Jesus as the Lamb of God, two of his disciples immediately follow Jesus.  They then bring others, including Simon.  Upon seeing him, Jesus grants Simon the new name Peter, a sign of his new purpose in life.

We, too, have been granted a new purpose because, as St. Paul notes in the 2nd reading, we are temples of the Holy Spirit, God's presence dwelling in us.  We now devote our lives to answering God's call and glorifying Him in our bodies.

Monday, January 8, 2024

January 8, 2024: Feast of the Baptism of the Lord

As the reading from Isaiah 55 states, like the rain, God sends His word from Heaven to accomplish His purpose on Earth.

Jesus was born as the Word Made Flesh, revealing God the Father to us.  And the fullness of the Triune God was revealed at His Baptism.

At His Baptism, as He rose from the waters of the Jordan River, Jesus was declared the beloved of God the Father and anointed by the Holy Spirit, so He could fulfill His purpose as our Savior, in His Passion and then Resurrection.

We, too, encounter God in baptism and find our identity, for we are named His beloved and anointed with the Holy Spirit to share in Christ's mission, showing that He continues to be manifest in the world.

Sunday, January 7, 2024

January 7, 2024: Epiphany Sunday

Jesus Christ indeed was born as the Messiah of the people of Israel, bringing them light, which was meant as the Light from God the Father radiating out to all the nations of the world.

By faith, people outside of Israel recognized the sign of God's presence and came to worship Him.  The 1st reading from Isaiah describes people from all nations coming to Israel, where there is a great light, even kings bearing resplendent gifts. St. Paul illustrates the meaning of the Epiphany in the 2nd reading, that God revealed a great mystery in Christ, that the Gentiles would share with the Chosen People of Israel in the promises.

The Magi were attuned to the revelations of God in the signs He displayed, and they journeyed to the Christ Child--one of many journeys in the Nativity narrative.  The Gospel reading mentions that they went to worship and give homage to the Christ Child more than once.

On this Epiphany Sunday, we're called to join them in worshipping God, recognizing that God has revealed Himself in our world, and is present in all peoples.  Let us come to the Light, and then bear it to all the world, as it was meant to shine throughout the earth.

Monday, January 1, 2024

January 1, 2024: Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

We begin a new Gregorian calendar year pondering the one in whom God began His life as the Word Made Flesh, the Blessed Mother Mary.

Truly Christ's Birth is a wondrous event that compels us to reflect deep in our hearts on the God Who has come so close to us, abiding with us.  And it inspires us to go forth and share the Good News, that God has blessed us in the fullest way by freeing us from sin and making us children of God.