Sunday, January 14, 2024

January 14, 2024: 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Throuhgout the Christmas Season, we celebrated that God came to be among us in tangible ways.

Today's readings display how God is making Himself known to us.

At a time when revelations of God weren't common, He speaks to Samuel, who remained in the temple to serve before God, and upon hearing God's voice, he first thinks Eli the priest is calling.

Eventually, Eli directs Samuel to respond to God as a servant ready and willing to listen.

When John the Baptist acclaims Jesus as the Lamb of God, two of his disciples immediately follow Jesus.  They then bring others, including Simon.  Upon seeing him, Jesus grants Simon the new name Peter, a sign of his new purpose in life.

We, too, have been granted a new purpose because, as St. Paul notes in the 2nd reading, we are temples of the Holy Spirit, God's presence dwelling in us.  We now devote our lives to answering God's call and glorifying Him in our bodies.

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