Sunday, January 7, 2024

January 7, 2024: Epiphany Sunday

Jesus Christ indeed was born as the Messiah of the people of Israel, bringing them light, which was meant as the Light from God the Father radiating out to all the nations of the world.

By faith, people outside of Israel recognized the sign of God's presence and came to worship Him.  The 1st reading from Isaiah describes people from all nations coming to Israel, where there is a great light, even kings bearing resplendent gifts. St. Paul illustrates the meaning of the Epiphany in the 2nd reading, that God revealed a great mystery in Christ, that the Gentiles would share with the Chosen People of Israel in the promises.

The Magi were attuned to the revelations of God in the signs He displayed, and they journeyed to the Christ Child--one of many journeys in the Nativity narrative.  The Gospel reading mentions that they went to worship and give homage to the Christ Child more than once.

On this Epiphany Sunday, we're called to join them in worshipping God, recognizing that God has revealed Himself in our world, and is present in all peoples.  Let us come to the Light, and then bear it to all the world, as it was meant to shine throughout the earth.

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