Sunday, January 28, 2024

January 28, 2024: 4th Sunday in Post-Epiphany Ordinary Time

Through Kairos encounters, God has declared His Word to His people to bring them life.

In the time of the Old Covenant, God said He would raise up a prophet to bring this life-giving Word, since the people feared hearing from God directly.

Now, God's authority is fully on display in Jesus, the Word Made Flesh.  At His very presence, the unclean spirit in the man in the synagogue trembles, recognizing who He is, and at His word, the unclean spirit flees.

Not only does Jesus teach the Word of God to His people, but He speaks the Word in a way that powerfully transforms us. We are healed from that which holds us back from God, so we can abide with Him Who, through the Incarnation, abides with us always.

And so He continues to manifest Himself in our day to bring the Word alive.  5 years ago on the final Sunday of January, thousands of people gathered for the Concluding Mass of World Youth Day 2019, celebrated by Pope Francis.  We heard the Word, and then were sent forth to live our encounter with the Word in our massive assembly, and in living the Word, bring Life to the world.

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