Sunday, May 12, 2024

May 12, 2024: Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord

We marvel that the Risen Christ, after appearing to the disciples at various times in the 40-day period, now has returned to Heaven.  

He Who has accomplished the Paschal Mystery is glorified.

Christ is Our Exalted Head of His Body, the Church.  We have hope that we will rise to join Him.

Yet He continues to be present with us.  As St. Paul writes in Ephesians, He ascended and fills all things in every way.

Before departing, He told His disciples that they would receive power from the baptism of the Holy Spirit so that they could take up the mantle and continue His work that He started, making Him known throughout all the world.

We call upon the Holy Spirit, marveling that He Who ascended and reigns in Heaven is advancing His Kingdom on Earth, displaying His signs as He always accompanies us, a foretaste of Heaven here now on Earth.

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