Sunday, May 26, 2024

May 26, 2024: Most Holy Trinity Sunday

God has been revealing HImself throughout history in so many marvelous ways, and in these revelations, we see the work of three unique Persons Who are all in harmony as God.

Indeed, God chose a people specially for Himself.  In the fullness of time, He sent a Savior to bring us back into right relationship with God so that we could truly be His children.

And He calls us to go forth in mission to live out our relationship with Him, sharing it with all the world.  Last week's celebration of Pentecost Sunday was a nexus point as we concluded celebrations of the Paschal Mystery over the past several weeks and how we are alive in a new reality in the Resurrection.

There's something profound in the Gospel reading when the Risen Jesus appears to the disciples on a mountain, a typical location for important encounters with God.  He said that He had all power in Heaven and on Earth, and was using His position to empower the disciples, who were in doubt, to go forth on mission.

So while the Trinity is a great mystery we won't fully understand in this life, we have enough of a sense of God's Presence, revealed to us in the distinct ways of each Person of the Trinity, to share this Mystery with the world, that our God is powerfully alive and at work in us.

We can certainly sense this reality in our relationships, especially in family, and I'm fully aware of that this day as I celebrate my Mom's birthday.

Ultimatetly, the Father and the Son share great love, and from it proceeds love, which is the Holy Spirit, flowing into us so we can show love as we give of ourselves to others, which is the wondrous revelation of God's character to the world.

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