Sunday, May 19, 2024

May 19, 2024: Pentecost Sunday

We cap off the Easter Season by celebrating the outpouring of the Holy Spirit that birthed the Church.

Jesus has fulfilled His promise to send the Spirit, and everything He did and taught now became alive in the disciples, and becomes alive in us who live by faith.

Through the Holy Spirit, we crucify our old selves with its wrongful desires, like St. Paul describes in the passage from Galatians 5.  Then, made anew, we bear fruit of good characteristics, which are in the list of the fruits of the Spirit.

Truly Jesus breathes His life into us through the Holy Spirit, like He did to the apostles huddled in the locked room, and they overcome their fear and rejoice.

We celebrated the Resurrection with great joy and we can continue to joyfully proclaim by our lives that Jesus is alive because the Holy Spirit is His Risen Life living and working in us.

God created the world marvelously and has renewed it in a profound newness of Life through the Holy Spirit.

May 19 was Pentecost Sunday 11 years ago when I graduated from college.  I could look back upon my college experience and see how wondrously the Holy Spirit was at work as my academic life converged with my faith life to truly make me anew by giving me a strong new sense of purpose in life.  In that light, I continue to celebrate how God is working through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Truly we can go forth in great joy because of this great gift that is constantly keeping us alive.

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