Sunday, June 23, 2024

June 23, 2024: 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time

When the storms of life arise, in our frail human nature, it's easy for us to be afraid and think that God is absent, just as the apostles became afraid when the storm on the lake arose as they were traveling in their boat.

By faith, we are called to recognize how present God is even in the midst of storms.  He will come to our aid, and we must have faith and trust in His power.

He demonstrated this power in the death and Resurrection of Christ, bringing us salvation, and meeting our greatest need. Through this Paschal Mystery, God has now recreated us into a new creation, as St. Paul so masterfully writes.  We are driven by the Love God has shown us through Jesus on the Cross.  He Who created the Heavens and the Earth has demonstrated mastery over Creation by stilling the waves and wind by His word, and then rising from death to new life.

So we are made anew, and by this power of faith, we trust in God at a whole new level, because we are alive in faith in the Risen, Living Christ by which we see the new things that have come.  We don't necessarily ask for immense displays of His power from Him, but by faith, recognize how He has already displayed Who He is.

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