Sunday, June 30, 2024

June 30, 2024: 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time

As the reading from Wisdom indicates, God didn't create us so that we would experience death.  But then Satan wrecked the world.

So Christ came and made possible the way out of death's grip.

In the Gospel reading, He demonstrated His power over death and the ailments that lead to death.  Under the Jewish ritual laws, Jesus would have become impure when the woman affected by constant bleeding touched Him.  Yet she reached out in faith and courage because she knew that He had the power to help her.  He took upon her uncleanness and made her whole, and He acknowledged her faith that saved her.

Then, Jesus entered the room where Jairus's daughter lay deceased.  Without fear, He touched her body and brought her back to life.

Ultimately, Jesus has brought us wholeness by pouring Himself out upon the Cross and taking on our infirmities.  Then He resurrected to new Life so we could experience the fullness of our healing.

We live as people filled with His graces and are called to the mission of sharing them abundantly with others in our lives.

Today was a special day at Holy Name Cathedral when the Marian Route of the Eucharistic pilgrimage was present in the Archdiocese of Chicago.  It was an opportunity for us to experience the powerful, overflowing graces that Jesus Christ continues to offer us in the Eucharist, and then to embrace the mission to go out and share our encoutner with others, as we did when we processed around the Cathedral following the Blessed Sacrament.

Indeed, we have received a great gift in Christ's Presence, and we are called to share it generously and abundantly.

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