Sunday, June 9, 2024

June 9, 2024: 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time

The disobedience of our first parents, Adam and Eve, broke our relationship with God, and its effects devastated our world.

Yet He provides a way back for us to Him, because He is merciful, and redeems us in Christ.  That was puzzling to people, as the Gospel reading indicates, because people thought that Christ was out of His mind for what He was doing in His work of ministry, even casting out demons.  However, He came from outside our world to uproot Satan's reign and establish the Kingdom of God, which provides a new way for those of us who profess faith in Him.

So we turn away from sins and focus our lives on doing His will through the power that flows to us in the Holy Spirit.  We can truly be part of His family as we follow His way.  Our focus turns from the things of this world, which are fleeting, to the unseen world, which is about that which is everlasting.

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