Sunday, June 1, 2014

June 1, 2014: Ascension of the Lord Sunday

Note: Here in the Archdiocese of Chicago, like many US dioceses, the Feast of the Ascension is transferred to the 7th Sunday of Easter.  And for me, this Feast holds special significance as the Feast Day of my home parish, Ascension in Oak Park.

On this occasion, we celebrate another piece of the Paschal Mystery.  After rising from the dead, and appearing to the disciples on a number of occasions, Christ ascends to Heaven.  But in light of the Resurrection and His new life, which we have celebrated throughout this Easter Season, it is a departure in which we rejoice.  Christ now returns to Heaven in exalted glory, having done His part in God's plan for the salvation of the world.

Yet He does not leave us alone.  He imparts to us a mission, to go forth, continuing His work of the Kingdom, making disciples in the world.  And He promises to be present to His disciples always, which alludes to the great Feast we celebrate next week.  So we wait upon Him as we set forth in this work, knowing that when our earthly pilgrimage is done, we shall go to where Christ has gone, to the Father's presence in Heaven, to share in His Glory.

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