Tuesday, June 17, 2014

June 15, 2014: Most Holy Trinity Sunday

The Trinity is one of the great mysteries of our faith.  It's hard to understand how God is One yet of Three Distinct Persons at the same time.

Father Larry, pastor at Ascension Church, in regards to the Trinity, recalls the teaching of one of his seminary professors, who said that we ought not explain the doctrine of the Trinity, but live out the doctrine.

And while we can't easily explain the Trinity, we are aware of its effects in our lives.  God the Father created us, and all the beauty of this world.  Jesus Christ, the Son, has redeemed us, so that we could be restored to relationship with the Father.  And the Holy Spirit guides us in living out that relationship in righteousness before Him.  This is all tied up in the Paschal Mystery, which we have just spent nearly 100 days of the year commemorating.

The readings for this weekend speak of God's characteristics, grace, mercy, and kindness, shown most especially in how he sought to save us through the Son, and not leave us to be condemned.  Having experienced this amazing Love, which binds the Trinity together, and us to the Trinity, we live in love with each other, as we give praise to our Almighty God, of Three, but in essence, One.

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