Sunday, June 29, 2014

June 29, 2014: Feast of Saints Peter and Paul

The liturgy for this Sunday is replaced by this Solemnity, commemorating the two saints who are pillars of the Church.  They were chosen by God to have important leadership roles in building up the Church in its earliest days, and ultimately, to give witness to Christ in dying as martyrs.  Yet, as we see in the story in the First Reading, God delivered St. Peter from death for a time, so that he could continue the work God had set for Him to do.

And as St. Paul writes in the selection from 2 Timothy for the second reading, He had truly striven after doing God's work faithfully, giving his life in service to God's call, and now awaited the great reward from God.

They lay an important foundation for the Church:  They established the teachings to which we still hold this day, and their example guides us in living faithfully before God and doing His work of proclaiming the Gospel.

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