Sunday, June 22, 2014

June 22, 2014: Feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Jesus Christ

This feast day, also known as Corpus Christi Sunday, focuses our attention on a special part of our faith, and the Paschal Mystery, too:

We remember--and that's the important word--that Jesus Christ is God's provision to us, and He offers us His Body and Blood to nourish us that we may truly live, all the while as we recall that God alone truly sustains us.  Because Jesus Christ has come and established the Paschal Mystery, He is now the only source of nourishment for the Life we live in God.  In a similar spirit to His saying, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life", in John chapter 14, it's like He says, "I am nourishment".

It is a Life we live together the people of God, as One Body, because we partake of the One Source of nourishment--we become what we consume, the Body of Christ.  So this feast is a celebration of God's provision through us in Jesus Christ and the life we live as One Body, the Church.

So as God shows Himself alive and present in the Eucharist, as we partake, becoming Christ, we show Him to be alive and present as we manifest His presence in the world.

As an aside: this Feast gives me further reason to think back upon my First Communion 15 years ago.  But I seem to have erred in my post for Sunday, May 3, 2014, when I said that occasion was on May 9, when more than likely it was May 2, 1999.

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