Sunday, May 29, 2016

May 29, 2016: Feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

Continuing on in Ordinary Time, we celebrate that integral part of our faith, the Eucharist.

On the day before Memorial Day, when we in the United States remember the sacrifices of those in uniform, we as Roman Catholics remember the sacrifice of Christ, in keeping with the command He gave His Apostles, and us, at His Last Supper.

Christ gives of His own Body and Blood, which is God's way of providing for us that which satisfies our deepest spiritual hunger.  So by partaking of the Eucharist, we declare God alone fills us.

Sharing in this meal, we bless the God Who made us and redeemed us, Who gives us a foretaste of Heaven in this feast that we share now.

But we don't just partake of Christ in the Eucharist.  We are compelled by this encounter with His very presence to share His presence with others, meeting the needs of others, having been showered with His mercy as we carry on our pilgrimage of this life.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

May 22, 2016: Most Holy Trinity Sunday

As Christians, we have been made stewards of a great mystery:  One God Who is Three distinct Persons.

Though we can't fully understand the Trinity, we see the effects of this mystery around us.  God has created us and our world marvelously, in great wisdom.  Jesus Christ died to save us, as an expression of the Father's love.  And the saving death and resurrection of Christ is made real in us through the Holy Spirit who continues to sanctify us as God's abiding presence within us.

Indeed, the Holy Spirit is the power of God alive in us, as He has been poured out by Jesus, Who has taken what He received from the Father and given it to us.  The Three Persons of the Trinity are in a dynamic relationship, being relational by nature, and desires to draw us into relationships, living in and sharing the Love that the Godhead experiences.  So each Person is distinct, but they are all One, as God desires to break down boundaries and to draw us together, to have in Love for one another.

So as we live out our Faith, especially by living that Love, the Trinity becomes reality.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

May 15, 2016: Pentecost Sunday

We are once again at the great Feast of Pentecost, celebrating the birth of the Church with the descent of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus brought us new Life by His Resurrection, and though He ascended to Heaven, He promised that He would be with us always.

Those promises of His abiding Presence is now fulfilled in the Holy Spirit, in the outpouring of the Love of the Father and the Son.  The Spirit makes God present within us, which brings us alive, as Christ was raised to new Life.  And we are transformed, and receive gifts that empower us to bring that Life to the Earth, by doing the work of God, fulfilling the commission He has given us.  The Holy Spirit continues to guide us, teaching us and reminding of us of what Jesus Christ said, even as He makes Christ verily present within us.

And so where the Spirit is at work, there is new life.  I was reminded of this when I attended Mass with the Confirmandi at my home parish on Saturday evening.  As I looked out at all of them gathered, I sensed God doing something new as they prepare to experience an encounter with Jesus Christ in Confirmation that sends them forth.

Veni Sancte Spiritus.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

May 8, 2016: Ascension of the Lord Sunday

We have arrived again at the great feast of the Ascension.  I couldn’t help but feel of sense of exuberance at Mass today reminiscent of Easter Sunday when we celebrated the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Now, we celebrate His going into Heaven, where He is exalted, ruling and reigning forever with the Father.

We His Risen people have hope that we will follow Him, joining Him in Heaven one day to be in God’s presence forever.  It is a hope that spurs us on even now in this Life, as we seek to follow His way.  For He has commissioned us, drawing us together in a community that makes it known to the world He is really risen, as we do His work, even that of extending mercy.  He may no longer be physically present on Earth, but He is present in a powerful way, even in us.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

May 1, 2016: 6th Sunday of Easter

Jesus prepares His disciples for His departure, not only in death, but more so, in the context of the end of the Easter Season that draws near, His return to the Father.  He has been guiding them along for some time, but now, He promises an Advocate, the Holy Spirit, who will be present to guide them, reminding them of all He taught them--what great words these are for all His disciples, including us.  In His guidance, the disciples will find true peace, and live the love God first showed them in Jesus.  When they keep obedient to His Word, God will truly be present, dwelling with them, just as we await to enter the fullness of God's dwelling in Heaven.

And we make that Heavenly dwelling present now as we go forth to live that Love, and draw all people into it.  In the spirit of the words Archbishop Cupich spoke in his homily at St. Martin's this morning, it is in living this way of life that we show ourselves to be an Easter people, making the Resurrection a reality, in us.

(By the way, this is the 150th post on this blog.)