Sunday, May 8, 2016

May 8, 2016: Ascension of the Lord Sunday

We have arrived again at the great feast of the Ascension.  I couldn’t help but feel of sense of exuberance at Mass today reminiscent of Easter Sunday when we celebrated the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Now, we celebrate His going into Heaven, where He is exalted, ruling and reigning forever with the Father.

We His Risen people have hope that we will follow Him, joining Him in Heaven one day to be in God’s presence forever.  It is a hope that spurs us on even now in this Life, as we seek to follow His way.  For He has commissioned us, drawing us together in a community that makes it known to the world He is really risen, as we do His work, even that of extending mercy.  He may no longer be physically present on Earth, but He is present in a powerful way, even in us.

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