Sunday, May 15, 2016

May 15, 2016: Pentecost Sunday

We are once again at the great Feast of Pentecost, celebrating the birth of the Church with the descent of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus brought us new Life by His Resurrection, and though He ascended to Heaven, He promised that He would be with us always.

Those promises of His abiding Presence is now fulfilled in the Holy Spirit, in the outpouring of the Love of the Father and the Son.  The Spirit makes God present within us, which brings us alive, as Christ was raised to new Life.  And we are transformed, and receive gifts that empower us to bring that Life to the Earth, by doing the work of God, fulfilling the commission He has given us.  The Holy Spirit continues to guide us, teaching us and reminding of us of what Jesus Christ said, even as He makes Christ verily present within us.

And so where the Spirit is at work, there is new life.  I was reminded of this when I attended Mass with the Confirmandi at my home parish on Saturday evening.  As I looked out at all of them gathered, I sensed God doing something new as they prepare to experience an encounter with Jesus Christ in Confirmation that sends them forth.

Veni Sancte Spiritus.

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