Sunday, May 1, 2016

May 1, 2016: 6th Sunday of Easter

Jesus prepares His disciples for His departure, not only in death, but more so, in the context of the end of the Easter Season that draws near, His return to the Father.  He has been guiding them along for some time, but now, He promises an Advocate, the Holy Spirit, who will be present to guide them, reminding them of all He taught them--what great words these are for all His disciples, including us.  In His guidance, the disciples will find true peace, and live the love God first showed them in Jesus.  When they keep obedient to His Word, God will truly be present, dwelling with them, just as we await to enter the fullness of God's dwelling in Heaven.

And we make that Heavenly dwelling present now as we go forth to live that Love, and draw all people into it.  In the spirit of the words Archbishop Cupich spoke in his homily at St. Martin's this morning, it is in living this way of life that we show ourselves to be an Easter people, making the Resurrection a reality, in us.

(By the way, this is the 150th post on this blog.)

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