Sunday, May 22, 2016

May 22, 2016: Most Holy Trinity Sunday

As Christians, we have been made stewards of a great mystery:  One God Who is Three distinct Persons.

Though we can't fully understand the Trinity, we see the effects of this mystery around us.  God has created us and our world marvelously, in great wisdom.  Jesus Christ died to save us, as an expression of the Father's love.  And the saving death and resurrection of Christ is made real in us through the Holy Spirit who continues to sanctify us as God's abiding presence within us.

Indeed, the Holy Spirit is the power of God alive in us, as He has been poured out by Jesus, Who has taken what He received from the Father and given it to us.  The Three Persons of the Trinity are in a dynamic relationship, being relational by nature, and desires to draw us into relationships, living in and sharing the Love that the Godhead experiences.  So each Person is distinct, but they are all One, as God desires to break down boundaries and to draw us together, to have in Love for one another.

So as we live out our Faith, especially by living that Love, the Trinity becomes reality.

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