Wednesday, June 19, 2019

June 16, 2019: Most Holy Trinity Sunday

I notice that the readings are quite short for today's Mass that celebrates the Most Holy Trinity, a mystery that is large and unfathomable.

Yet we become aware of the reality of the Trinity through the revelations God has granted us of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  We see that God brought everything into a sense of order when He created the world.  And Jesus Christ, in perfect union with the Father, continually reveals God to us, Who made us right in His sight and continues to draw us into a life-giving relationship with the Father.  Jesus tells the apostles at the Last Supper, "Everything the Father has is mine" and He "takes what is mine and declares it to" us.

Indeed, Jesus Christ has filled our hearts with the love of God the Father, through the Holy Spirit Who is God's continued presence in us, which sustains us in hope, so that we can abide in belief and faith because, despite the vastness of the mystery of the Trinity, we believe it is real because of how we experience it.

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