Sunday, June 23, 2019

June 23, 2019: Feast of Corpus Christi, the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

What a great feast it is, as we celebrate the source and summit of the Christian life, God offering Himself to us through Jesus.

The Eucharist is truly a mystery, that the Bread and Wine become the very Body and Blood of Christ, yet it is a reality that comes so close to us in the Eucharist.  It is the Feast at the heart of the Paschal Mystery, by which God showed us the full extent of His Love, and brings us Life.  We continually remember His offering by eating of His Body and taking up the cup of His Blood, and offering our thanks, just as Melchizedek did in Genesis.

And we continue our priestly duties as people in Whom God dwells, Whom God has fed, as we live to show His presence dwells in us.  For the Eucharist has such great power in how it transforms us, as we partake of Him, to be joined in community as the One Body of Christ, and become His Presence in the world.

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