Sunday, June 9, 2019

June 9, 2019: Pentecost Sunday

As God promised, He has poured forth the great gift of the Holy Spirit upon His people, summoning forth His Church.  It happened at Pentecost, a Jewish feast celebrating the start of the harvest and the establishment of the Mosiac Law.  Now it has new meaning in the new covenant it has established in Jesus Christ's Paschal Mystery poured forth in the Holy Spirit, the presence of the Risen Jesus in us, God abiding with us always.

The Holy Spirit empowers us to be fully alive in God and proclaim the Good News that Christ, Who was once dead, is now alive forever and ever, sealing His covenant with the Holy Spirit.

Indeed, the Holy Spirit is a great gift that empowers us to go forth using it for God's glory as we proclaim Him and serve others.

Just as happened at the first Pentecost, so today the Holy Spirit continues speaking in many languages, which I thought about at World Youth Day 2019.  Even with so many different languages spoken, we were all united in speaking the one language of faith, praising our God.

Father Hurlbert insightfully pointed out in his homily at Pentecost Mass today that the Holy Spirit helps us communicate in other languages, even beyond verbal-written systems of communication to also nonverbal forms of communication, those sensations we feel inside us that we may not be able to describe fully but are sure signs of God's presence.

So as we conclude the Easter Season with this great feast, we are sent forth to walk with the Spirit to proclaim God, just as the Holy Spirit descended in great force to empower the disciples beyond their human capabilities to proclaim the mighty acts of God.

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