Friday, June 28, 2019

June 28, 2019: Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

There is something about the Love of God that is so deep so as to leave us in such a profound state of wonder.

Father Brankin put it well in his homily at Mass this morning at St. Odilo, saying that God must see something valuable in us so that He would save us, like a shepherd having such loving care for His sheep.

God's love, flowing from the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, is so deep, that He would die for sinners and bring us to new Life, continually sustained in His Love flowing forth.

This is the Love that grants us peace the world cannot give.

On this day marking 100 years since the Treaty of Versailles, may the overflowing, abundant Love of God continually flow forth into and around us so we may live in Peace He alone gives.

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