Sunday, January 15, 2023

January 15, 2023: 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

As we head from Christmas Season into post-Christmas Ordinary Time, we hear the profound words of St. John the Baptist, who points to Jesus as the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world, and the One anointed by God to bring new Life to all the earth through the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

He is the Servant Who came to redeem Israel and has a greater mission of being a Light to all the world.

In that Light, God has sanctified us and called us to be holy, so we can share in Christ's mission to be that Light in the world.  Indeed, God created and formed us for this purpose, even from the time we were in the womb.  He calls us to ongoing transformation so that we live fully according to His purpose, that our lives testify and point to the reality of Christ, Who has come to abide with us always.  

I remember 6 years ago when I heard these readings proclaimed at the Basilica of St. Paul in Daytona Beach, FL, where my family gathered to celebrate my brother and sister-in-law.  Above the altar in that church is artwork that depicts St. Paul's conversion.  He was overwhelmed by the LIght of Christ and called to go forth and be that Light, to his fellow Jews, and then beyond, to Gentiles all over the Mediterranean world.

And we can be that Light as we live out our calling in marriage and family life, and throughout all areas of our lives.

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