Sunday, January 8, 2023

January 8, 2023: Epiphany Sunday

The glory of God has come into the world through Christ, and it is for all the world.

Isaiah spoke about how God would restore Israel to glory, and all nations would stream toward it.

While Israel was under the rule of the Roman Empire when Christ was born, Gentile Magi came from a land far to the east to worship the Christ Child and bring Him gifts, acknowledging Him as the true King Who saves all the world's people.

St. Paul mentions that in the revelation of the great mystery, we see that even Gentiles share in the promises of salvation in Christ, Who truly came to redeem all people.

This Christmas Season has been a magnificent way to celebrate encounters with God, Who is in our world now.  And these encounters truly now have the purpose of transformation.

We are meant to notice where God is, as the Magi saw the star shining brightly in the sky, and then followed it to encounter Christ, where they worshipped Him and offered Him their treasures.

They didn't engage in self-serving purposes like Herod.  They gave of themselves, just as we are called to give of ourselves in those encounters, so that we go forth to bring the Light to all the world so others may encounter Him.

I have to wonder what the Magi did as they journeyed back to their homelands.  Surely they realized how profound their encounter with God was, and they were eager to share it with everyone.

Indeed, we see in Christ the Good News, which, like a light in darkness, we are called to share with the whole world.

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