Sunday, January 22, 2023

January 22, 2023: 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

As we just celebrated in the Christmas Season, Christ has brought a great Light into our darkness.

And that Light transforms us to fulfill God's promises by repenting and following Him to build the Kingdom.

We build it as One People in Christ, who are called to proclaim the Good News.  In this Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, we remember that we all call upon one God through Christ, our Savior, and that is a Light to the world.

The land of Israel knew great hardship when foreign powers invaded, yet God unfolded a great victory when Christ was born into our world.

He truly began something new by bringing Light into the world, as the Word Made Flesh.  In today's Gospel, He, the Word, speaks the Word that announced the arrival of the Kingdom of God, called people to repentance, and invited new disciples to follow Him and do His work, just as He does for all the baptized faithful even today.

I also think about how the darkness that Roe vs. Wade brought to the USA 50 years ago has been overcome by Dobbs vs. Jackson, shining a great Light as our society has the opportunity now to provide real solutions to mothers in need.

We don't have to settle for any kind of darkness, because Christ has overcome it, and we share in that victory.

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