Monday, January 9, 2023

January 9, 2023: Feast of the Baptism of the Lord

Just as God manifested Himself through the birth of Christ, and again in the star that led the Magi to Him, so God manifests Himself when Christ was baptized in the Jordan River.

Christ demonstrated obedience to the Father by submitting to baptism to identify Himself with the people Who He was born among and whom He would save.  His submission was acknowledged when He came up from the water, and there was a revelation with all Three Persons of the Trinity present.

God sent His Spirit to anoint His Son, and declared His Love for Him and that He was well-pleased with Him.

With this anointing, Christ went forth to fulfill His mission.

And as the baptized faithful, we all share in the call to obedience, in the anointing, and in the mission.  In obediently following this way, we, too, can hear the Father declare that He is well-pleased with us, as God continues to be manifest in the world through our work.

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