Sunday, October 16, 2022

October 16, 2022: 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Persistence is an important part of starting and continuing the life of faith.

We confess faith in God, and then we continue living in that faith day by day.  And God has promised to be present to His people and uphold them.

Jesus tells a story about a malevolent judge who finally renders a just decision for the widow who constantly petitions him, giving in only because he's so bothered by her persistence.  How much greater, Jesus states, is our God Who is just in the fullest way.

At the end of the parable, though, Jesus poses an important point in a rhetorical question:  Will God find people who are faithful and seeking Him when He comes?

Indeed, God is constantly reaching out to us.  Faith is meant to transform us so that we constantly seek Him.

Furthermore, we're called to support each other, just like Aaron and Hur support Moses so he can keep his hands raised so that Joshua can lead the Israelite army to victory.  We can encourage one another in pursuing God.

Because our God is so faithful, let us respond with similar faith, proclaiming at all times the Word of this reality in which we abide, regardless of whether it's easy or difficult.  Some translations of St. Paul's word to Timothy say to proclaim the word "in season and out of season", with athletic imagery, as athletes certainly have to keep in shape.  God has breathed upon His Word so that it can direct us in the right ways, ultimately leading us to salvation.  It's a worthy goal to attain, so let's keep at it.

This weekend, I celebrated the 17th anniversary of my Confirmation.  It was an important day when I made a confession of faith, and was called to continue living that confession of faith.

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