Sunday, October 9, 2022

October 9, 2022: 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

When sin broke the wholeness in which God created us, He set forth to restore us, ultimately healing us through Jesus Christ.

Sin separated us from God, just like the lepers had a condition by which they had to remain separated from the rest of society.  They had little means to restore themselves.

Then Jesus Christ came, and made it possible for them to come back to society, just as He makes possible the restoration of our relationship with God and with each other.  Through death and resurrection, we live for God and with God, the powerful message of the Gospel that St. Paul devoted His life to proclaiming even in the face of difficulties, because he knew its reality so deeply.

Now that we are healed and set free from what damaged us, it is only fitting that we recognize the power God alone has to make us whole, just as Naaman, after his reluctance to heed the command to wash in the Jordan River, recognizing God alone as worthy of worship.  May we join with the healed lepersin recognizing how good God is to us, and devote our days to praising Him, and extend our life-giving relationship to others so they, too, can experience this healing.

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