Tuesday, October 18, 2022

October 18, 2022: Feast of St. Luke

In the Gospel of St. Luke, we come to understand how God came to us in the Flesh through His Son, born of Mary, with infancy stories narrated in great detail in the Gospel.  sent His Son, anointed with His Spirit, with a mission to bring healing to the world.

In St. Luke's 2nd volume of Acts, we see how the Holy Spirit continued to work through the apostles and those in the Church to continue building the Kingdom on Earth.

This past weekend, I attended Mass at St. Luke's Church in River Forest.  Father Stan focused on that feast day in his homily, and he remarked that we are part of the 3rd volume of St. Luke as the Holy Spirit continues to do God's work in and through us, through the same Spirit Who anointed Christ.  And we anointed in that same Spirit.

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