Sunday, October 23, 2022

October 23, 2022: 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

God shows no partiality, yet it's clear that the way we pray matters.

It's notable that the Gospel passage mentions the Pharisee offered a prayer to himself, similar to how Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount speaks about those who make their deeds obvious to others, and they get obvious recognition.  And the Pharisees followed the practices of religion in an admirable way.

Tax collectors were known for taking advantage of their position to enrich themselves.  In this story, it's almost astounding that the tax collector prays in full awareness of his shortcomings, and offers an honest, humble prayer to the God Who alone he acknowledges is merciful.

May our prayers be offered in a humble, honest way as we acknowledge our shortcomings and be aware of how God raises us up, just as He raises up the lowly and needy.  While we, as humans, all make mistakes, by faith we recognize how powerful our God is in coming to our aid, if only we humbly acknowledge His ability to fill us with His Grace that sets us right.

Indeed, let us join with the spirit of St. Paul's words of reflection in proximity to the end of his life, having confidence that he fought the good fight of faith, finished the race, and kept the faith in a genuine way.  It is this faith that gives him confidence that God will deliver him to Heaven.

In this world broken world, our faith gives us that same assurance that God will bring us to Heaven as we faithfully follow Him each day.

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